Embracing Technology to Improve Workplace Health and Safety
Written by Skytrust
Technology helps businesses simplify work health and safety, by streamlining into a single online platform. WHS management system software gives you the limitless potential for improving health and safety in your workplace. Reduce paper processes by taking them online and remove laborious red tape, so workers can access the information they need, when they need it. Plus, you can track training schedules, so you know everyone is up to date on current policies and procedures.
Embracing cloud technology: what you can do in the cloud?If your compliance team is still relying on a filing cabinet of outdated paper-based policies, procedures and risk assessment documents, they’re wasting valuable time.
Online reporting and management tools give you efficient access to dashboards with relevant data. With a technological solution for health and safety, you will soon see an improvement in five main areas:
Assets for compliance checks, maintenance and safety information. With one online, comprehensive list, management can see all assets and relevant information quickly. No more hunting down paper copies and wasting time with filing.
Checking training, licences & inductions. WHS relies on up-to-date compliance management. Take the training schedule online and see everyone’s licences and records in one place. Easily identify what’s overdue or needs to be scheduled and any gaps in your records.
Provide a copy of a SWMS or JSA on site. In the event of an audit or incident, with cloud-based technology, everyone has access to view relevant documents when they need them.
Induct your employees, contractors, volunteers and guests. Accurately record your employee, contractor, volunteer and guest inductions, and set reminders, updates, and reviews.
Direct authorised employees to a specific inspection or safety walk they need to undertake.
Set team reminders, send employees specific tasks and see when they’re actioned – all in one place, without the need for multiple emails and follow-ups. Taking your WHS schedule online saves time and effort across every department.
Benefits of cloud technology
Easily deploy the software company-wide and replace your existing paper-based system - cloud-based technology gives you complete coverage of your health and safety requirements in the workplace.
For example, with a cloud-based solution, you’ll be able to manage your health and safety with real-time information and consistency across locations – all in one place.
The clever reporting features allow you to track and measure the effectiveness of your WHS systems and their improvement over time.
Identify, improve, and resolve
Once you have implemented risk controls, ongoing evaluation and monitoring, ensure your management systems are effective at mitigating the associated risks.
What to consider when choosing safety management software
With a returning workforce who may be out of date with their health and safety training, your WHS policies and procedures must be easy to access and understand.
Choose software that’s easy to use, offers easy-to-understand dashboards with real-time data and manages everything from training to licences and employee information in one place.
How to get your team onboard to embrace new technology
Whilst we understand new technology and change can be daunting for people to embrace, the improvements speak for themselves.
With efficient implementation and training, everyone will quickly see the benefits for the workplace.
Laying your path to embrace new technology:
This should not be any different to other plans you create in the business to achieve your objectives and goals. Follow the standard principles of strategic planning:
1. Set your vision
Collaborate with key personnel to outline shared long-term goals. This helps get all stakeholders on board and can avoid potential barriers.
2. Build your plan
Everyone in the business needs to be aware that digital transformation will initially have various impacts on different personnel when moving from existing systems. Managing change can be assisted by informing of the costs, time and resources required and training needed, to help manage expectations.
3. Involve your IT department
Moving to cloud-based technologies sometimes relies on the input of your IT team to efficiently manage the transition. To reduce any challenges or barriers with the process, get your IT team involved from the start and build collaboration with all parties for a smoother transition.
4. Develop a business case
Evaluating your return on investment will help create a clear business case and rally stakeholder support. As a result, businesses that have team support and customer understanding will experience positive outcomes from their digital transformations.
5. Get into the Cloud
Online software services are the next logical step for any business – not only does it provide the ability to use the system anywhere and not be tied to a desk, it also provides many benefits around efficiencies, and productivity, and reduces IT operating costs by not having to manage your own servers or maintain systems. Your provider will ensure that all cybersecurity requirements are met and there is also the added benefit of reducing your carbon footprint. Avoid mismanagement, slow cumbersome processes, and out-of-date paperwork with reliable cloud-based workplace health and safety software that covers all aspects of work health and safety in a single easy-to-use software.
Visit the Skytrust team and find out more at the Workplace Health & Safety Show Melbourne or Sydney or visit: www.skytrust.com.au
When and where:
- Wednesday 22 – Thursday 23 May 2024 Melbourne, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
- Wednesday 23 - Thursday 24 October 2024, Sydney Showground, Olympic Park
Interested professionals can view the Workplace Health and Safety Show program and complete their free registration here.