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21 May 2024

4 Ways To Ensure Your Workplace Is OHS & WHS Compliant

4 Ways To Ensure Your Workplace Is OHS & WHS Compliant

As a business owner, manager, or supervisor, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your workplace remains safe and OHS & WHS compliant for any individual working at or visiting your site.

Your employees’ health and wellness should always be top priority; not only is it the right thing to do, but failing to meet expectations could lead to potentially costly repercussions.


Your responsibility also extends beyond your employees – you also need to consider the safety of equipment, storage of any hazardous items or chemical materials, physical and ergonomic risks, as well as the welfare of any other individuals (like contractors or suppliers) who visit you on-site.


Fortunately, there are several proactive steps you can take as an employer to ensure compliance and keep everyone safe in your workplace.



  • Understand your obligation as an employer


As an employer, it is important to understand the full scope of your obligations under the law when it comes to OHS and WHS compliance.


This includes understanding how to:

  • Identify potential hazards in the workplace
  • Adhere to relevant legislation relevant to your jurisdiction, such as the Work Health & Safety Act and Regulations
  • Develop appropriate risk management systems and processes
  • Provide adequate health and safety training programs and resources for employees


It is also critical to understand your duty of care responsibilities towards workers so that you can provide them with a safe working environment that meets all statutory requirements.


Employee obligations

A healthy workplace involves everybody: employees, too, have an obligation to adhere to WHS policies. They should:

  • Follow instructions
  • Adhere to policy and procedures
  • Conduct themselves in away that does not cause harm to themselves or others
  • Report any danger, risks, or other concerns to their immediate boss or supervisor


  • Assess workplace policies and procedures


It is vital to assess your organisation’s policies regularly in order to stay up-to-date with the latest regulations and changes in the law and to ensure all hazards and risks are constantly identified and controlled.


This involves conducting regular reviews of all relevant workplace policies, procedures, and documents, including:

  • Health and safety plans
  • Codes of conduct
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Safe work method statements
  • Job safety analysis documents
  • Hazardous materials registers
  • Emergency evacuation plans
  • Incident reporting


If any changes have been made to these policies since the last review was conducted then they should be updated accordingly.


  • Invest in workplace health and safety software


The easiest, best, and safest way to ensure you’re meeting all of the obligations outlined above in steps one and two is with a health and safety software package


The use of a WHS management system will streamline processes related to OHS & WHS compliance within an organisation. This software automates much of the administrative work associated with keeping track of policies and procedures.


OHS software will not only help reduce time spent on outdated paperwork and clunky spreadsheets, but also make sure that no details are overlooked or missed which could lead to non-compliance issues down the line.


  • Commit to ongoing training, education, and development


Once policies have been reviewed and systems have been put into place, it is essential that you commit to ongoing training of staff so that best practices are upheld within the workplace.


Training should be relevant to each individual’s role and include both theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills related to hazard identification, risk management processes, and more.


Investing in quality employee training does not only help ensure compliance; it also boosts morale amongst staff. They feel valued knowing that their employer takes their safety seriously enough to invest in ongoing training programs for them.    


Skytrust – a flexible and adaptable cloud-based safety and compliance system

Skytrust provides a holistic approach to your organisation’s compliance obligations, and it grows in function as your business grows. Different modules can be activated as required to meet your unique needs and you manage how these work for you. Find out more:


Connect with Skytrust at the Workplace Health & Safety Show in Melbourne on Wednesday 22 – Thursday 23 May. Or join their session on the Spotlight Stage!

Register now to access your FREE ticket.


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