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Stephen Hanman

Stephen Hanman

Chair & Board Member, Safe Care Culture

Stephen is the chair and a director of two private boards, an organisational developer and a national thought leader in the advanced cultures space. 

The advanced cultures space includes the collaborative journey where safety is owned by everyone on site and within the organisation. This is branded a Safe Care Culture. 

This advanced culture creates psychological safety by people feeling included, able to contribute with candour and work within a learning environment. 

Stephen’s work invites participants to take off their organsiational mask and be their best self. 

We all have this collaborative human app installed and it is slowly being globally activated. In the safety space, as defined by the Hudson Safety Ladder, advanced cutlures are proactive and generative. 

Stephen’s experience of over 10 Safe Care Culture Implementations provides a proven new way to deliver safety, high performance teams, strategic projects and organisational success where ‘Everyone Wins’.

This collaborative initiative culminated in 2017 with the creation of Safe Care Culture. After a successful pilot that delivered improvement in engagement, staff turnover and absenteeism, safety and productivity that became the national benchmark, Safe Care Culture has been rolled out to eight other distribution centres and two other sites including manufacturing and customer service.

One of the most satisfying parts of Safe Care Culture is that it is good for everyone, individuals, teams and organisations. It is good for people and profit. One site has increased Unicorn days from 4 to 40 per annum. These are days where there is no unplanned leave! 

Stephen is the author of the book, From Me to We that details a collaborative path that is less travelled []. This path is about power with people rather than power over people. The pillars of this includes wholeness of the human being, self management, freedom and autonomy, and evolutionary purpose.  It is aligned with the Laloux path in Reinventing Organizations. 

Stephen has been evolving this important collaborative conversation for over 25 years. It started first in the Supply Chain and Transport Industries. and then in Construction and now currently in the safety space across many industries. 

Stephen has also been the Chair of the Dyson Group of Companies since 2010. Since that time the family owned bus company has increased revenues more than 3 fold while embracing a good to great culture and philosophy.  

Stephen is also a director of a global food start up called Harvest Stack Australia / Two Hands; a marketplace that deploys blockchain technology to nurture transparency, providence and ethics across the local and global supply chain that directly connects and transacts between producers (fishers and farmers) and restaurants (chefs and consumers[, wholesalers and retailers. 

A common thread to Stephen’s work is to create an organisation where people can be their best and that will enable the team and the organisation to be its best.



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