Peter Curtis
Peter has worked at DuluxGroup as a Safety & Sustainability specialist for over 14 years, working in manufacturing, R&D and Distribution and Transport.
He is an accomplished Safety leader who develops strategies to continue to reduce and mitigate risk across Fatality Prevention, Injury Prevention, Dangerous Goods management, and overall compliance and Hazard Study Leader. Peter also has experience in finance, government, chemical and structural manufacturing in his over 18 years’ experience in Safety & Sustainability.
As a Senior Safety & Sustainability Manager, Peter has created a best-in-class evolutionary Safety & Sustainability Culture and environment that focuses on physical, procedural and cultural programs, the results achieved in a high-risk environment within the DuluxGroup Distribution & Transport area are industry leading and through hard work and continuous improvement strategies Peter, Neale and the team continue to achieve record breaking results.
Peter’s focus in the Safety space has also been unrelenting. Not on my watch is the catch cry that he and Senior leaders approach each day with. He has been responsible for developing, implementing, and leading advanced culture outcomes of generative and proactive across the distribution network in Australia and New Zealand.
These advanced culture outcomes, as defined by the Hudson Safety Ladder, achieving world class levels of Recordable Injury rates, Reductions in Low Probability/High Consequence near miss events, while being a leader in implementation of workplace design and risk reduction for warehouse environments. Peter has achieved record S&S performance in all industries where he has worked, focusing on a approach of relationship building, strong strategic plans and strategies and effective implementation.
24-Oct-2024Summits StageSafety Owned by Everyone: I'd like to see that!