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Dr Farnad Nasirzadeh

Dr Farnad Nasirzadeh

Director of Workforce Safety and Performance Research and Innovation Group, Deakin University

Dr Farnad Nasirzadeh is an Associate Professor of Construction Management at Deakin University. Farnad is the Director of Workforce Safety and Performance Research and Innovation Group (, a nationally recognized research center that uses innovative tools such as wearable sensors and computer vision to improve workers’ performance and safety. He has worked as a consultant for around 20 years in several large projects to improve workers performance and safety. He has received numerous awards such as the best research award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and Research Excellence award from IPMA. His ability to ensure confidence around data confidentiality and produce high quality outputs has enabled him to have the support of CFMEU, Incolink and several large construction companies for his projects in the area of improving workers’ safety and performance. CFMEU endorsed the use of wearable sensors in the building sector for the first time in his projects, and he has been a pioneer in using wearables in Australian building sector.
